Thursday, August 4, 2011

7 weeks

Hello, darling.

You are now in the range of 7 weeks, gestationally, and boy, are you making life interesting.

For instance, you only let me eat: plain yogurt with honey. graham crackers. mashed potatoes. and potato bread with pesto and cream cheese. This is not the diet I would like to be feeding you, as it is a little lacking in the vitamin and protein department.

Also, no water? Really? Why?

Tea is good, and so is soymilk, but I miss water. It’s August, baby! I need to drink water so that I have enough blood volume for you.

Your papa and I finally figured out when you were conceived- I was very surprised by how big you were on the ultrasound! I was guessing 4 and a half weeks ago, but no- you were that one time right before I went up to Washington to attend a friends wedding. And- just so you know- it was not clear that there was any sort of ovulation at the time. Seriously.

We’re very excited, though, and looking forward to meeting you next year. We have appointments set up with primary care, and with the water birth center where we can meet a midwife that can hopefully help us through your whole term, all in this next week. Then we’ll go to Germany!

We love you, baby descant.

Stay safe.

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