Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Whoop whoop.

You would not believe how busy I've been.
Or hey, you might.

Anyway, the moral to this story is that I finished my first quarter of med school (and I passed everything, by the way, an incredible victory in and of itself.) and then I was still stuck in Go-Go-Go mode for awhile. I was so burned out, too, that everything besides studying seemed like a terrible waste of time (including Christmas) and so I did what any reasonable person would do to get over the funk.

I made candy- loads of candy, chocolate turtles, caramel, and toffee. I went to holiday parties. I slept for an entire week straight, and then I flew to Denver to party my arse off with a dear friend for three nights, while we saw all of the best attractions of the town in the three days. I made a Christmas countdown calender, which my husband filled with tiny surprises. I bought more mistletoe than one should ever have in the house. I decided to have a New Year's party, which appears to be slowly spiraling out in to merry chaos. I have chestnuts to roast on an open fire, although here in the northwest, jack frost appears to be MIA (what kind of region gets a 0-20% chance of snow on christmas? LAME)

So my funk is gone, but I appear to have contracted whooping cough or a really nasty cold. It's pretty ridiculous. I'm running around in a bathrobe, my hair hasn't been brushed in three days, every thirty seconds I stop for a coughing fit that makes me see stars and whoop for breath, as I'm plugging in the tree and watching old movies and writing out all my holiday cards. This seems to correspond with the only down time I had planned for myself (though I missed two parties yesterday, for the solstice.)
I guess my body's had enough of busy.

That's ok! I'm a med student! I've been taking hot baths and cold rinses, putting ice cold wet socks on before bed (to drain the head congestion) taking vitamin C, eating horseradish and sri racha sauce to drain my sinuses, and practically floating on the volume of water and tea that I've been drinking. It's the best opportunity to practice what I've learned since I've learned it. I'm going to help my body recover so quickly, traditional Christmas Eve pinochle is going to be a win for my team (whoever I end up playing with.)  And really, I'm enjoying the rest, even if it comes with some hacking and a giant sinus headache.

To all a great fever, and a hacking rest ; )

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