Friday, September 9, 2011

To The Pacific!

I'm going to the beach today.
I haven't been all summer, and really, that's a shame.
For a local who used to ditch classes in high school to go climb the dune at pacific city, there has been far too little beach in my life this year. And last year. And every year since I got a job and started having responsibilities.

Though this year was less about responsibilities and more about just not feeling up to doing anything. (Also, throwing up for a month straight greatly reduced my desire to leave the house.)

I don't know if I have the energy to go careening around the headland like a goat, but I'm really looking forward to poking tide pools, chasing waves, and reading a book.

I'm also thinking about bringing Gordie, the world's worst kite.

(Gordie in his natural habitat (the ground), gleneden beach)

He prefers to be drug across the sand, in true turtle fashion.
I wanna know who the person was that thought "Turtles! Of course! They have no inclination to fly, they're not aerodynamic, but they would make Such a Cute Kite!" and then sold it to the dollar store to trick unsuspecting broke college students into thinking they could fly a kite.

I think I'll just bring a book and a sweatshirt.

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