Tuesday, November 23, 2010

chinese astrology

Let's face it, I'm a sucker for anything that tells me about me. I like hearing about myself.
and Everyone likes categories, though categories are not always useful for actually describing a unique thing (as proven by "Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: What categories reveal about the mind" by George Lakoff)
So in the interest of hearing (reading?) about myself, I've been looking at Chinese Astrology and thought I would share my categories with the world. (ahh, internet.)
I was born in 1987, which is part of the Fire cycle, in the Rabbit month. My secret animal, corresponding to birth hour, is the Horse.

Now, the internet doesn't have a lot of consensus about specific traits, but it does have a pretty common general picture of what this looks like. I'm pretty much cherry picking the parts I like and resonate with. In general, as a mix, I rather agree with my horoscopes. Add in the Libra trait of needing everything to be balanced to the eastern philosophy and I feel pretty described.

First of all, Fire.

Fire rules the heart and introduces the qualities of stubborness, strength, restlessness, dynamics, and a sense of peacefulness to the person. "A fire person will be passionate and powerful, with a flair for adventure." The planet mars, summer, and the direction of south are associated with fire, as is the color red.
Tying this to Indian philosophy and chakras, red is represented by the muladhara, or the root chakra. Centered on the perineum, the key physical governance is sexuality. The key mental point is stability, the key emotional point is sensuality, and the key spiritual point is a sense of security

Horses.... expect a lot of liberty, as well as give it. Horse people are independent, confident, quickwitted, inquinsitive, and stubborn (oh no, a double dose of stubborn!) We're good at recognizing patterns, generally gifted, and excellent at working the system. Horse people love to be the center of attention, are easily flattered, and are full of honesty and genuine warmth. (like a social butterfly )
People confide in horses, though we're terrible secret keepers as a point of personality function. We're easily excited and inspired, too impulsive for our own good, and bad at finishing projects. We're riddled with doubt beneath our confidence and persuasion.

Rabbit traits, on the other hand, are what lend me my depth and balance as a person.
Rabbits are pretty reserved, too sensitive for the world around them, and anxious when taking risks. (we're prey, after all) We're cultured, well mannered, graceful, and intellectual. We tend to den up, saving peace for home. Rabbit people are incredibly detail oriented in everything from decoration, presentation, work, play, and...otherwise. When we believe in something, we're "serious, persevering, and capable." It's hard to provoke us, and we're genuinely interested and moved with empathy when we hear your personal problems. We love to be hospitable and attentive, and to take care of those around us.

Libras are good at impartial judgment, but bad at handling criticism. We find the truth and then have a hard time seeing the world any other way. Generally, we're even tempered and balanced. We're usually optimistic, good at seeing the emotional needs of others, and are incredibly social beings (double social butterfly!) We hate cruelty, viciousness, and conflict because we see the world and everything in it whole and in unity. We're artistic, but not avant garde. We're full of integrity and good perceptions and observations. We may be promiscuously minded, but Libra marriages tend to last and be solid. We're insatiably curious, in love with elegance, and in need of depth.

Summing it all up, I'm a delicate, detail oriented, powerful prey animal with a double dose of stubborn and stubborn. I don't always finish my projects, but when I really believe in something- I can't be stopped. I believe in social and economic freedom strongly, am quick witted, intelligent, and incredible at working the system to get what I want. I love taking care of people, because I really love people and understand most of them pretty well. I'm honest, my spirit is broken easily, and I doubt myself a lot. I'm confident, independent, creative and overwhelmed by the world. I hate cruelty, I'm not a killer, and I don't wander in love. I'm not a risk taker, but I am an adventurer. I enjoy being the center of attention. I crave balance in all things. I'm sensual, grounded, and see patterns easily. I love elegant things and artistic endeavors  I'm a summer child, full of strength and peace, and I follow my heart in all things.

Sounds pretty much like how I see myself. Do you see me the same way?

(not so scholarly) references

1 comment:

  1. I agree hun, this is a pretty good picture of you. Doesn't show your spontaneity when the move moves you... but does give your emotions pretty good coverage. I think overall a persons sign is what they make it... and what you see in those qualities it reveals are either the ones you know you accentuate, the ones you hide, or the ones you wish people knew about you... either way its right.
