Monday, November 29, 2010

self esteem boost

Just some fun facts-
Many of you know that my gift to myself for my 23rd birthday was a year to get healthy. We're officially 2 months from that promise, and in those 2 months I have:
-gone to the clinic 5 times
-had my blood drawn 3 times
-started a regimen of ten supplements
-modified my diet so that it not longer contains grain of any sort nor any refined sugar
-cut back to three (alcoholic) drinks a week (if that)
-started drinking  at least 64 ounces of water a day, trying to drink 72 oz.
-started doing at least 30 minutes of yoga a day
-started meditating at least 10 minutes a day
-grown 4.5 inches
-lost 6.5 pounds
-lost 5 inches off my waist
-lost 3 inches off my hips.

And I feel pretty fabulous. More work to do, but hurrah for me!

1 comment:

  1. This is so wonderful! I love your self-health campaign!
