Monday, June 27, 2011

Oh, the accomplishment of summer.

I finished the wedding scrapbook, but as paper things in plastic protector sheets tend to be, I can't share it all on the interwebs. I want to, though. The first (misguided) thought I had was "I should upload this to facebook!"
And then I remembered- scrapbooks are the photo albums we did BEFORE facebook.
I felt a little young and stupid.
It's beautiful though. There are a few mistakes, and not quite all the pictures I wanted, but it's perfect.  And even though physical wedding albums are the kind that you don't put on the internet, I have family overseas, so I'm going to put a few teaser photos on here.
So here's the book:

Look at how thick it is!

Here is one of my favorite pages:

And another:

And for the rest, you have to come to my house.

The cats both managed to get tapeworms, which is a feat indeed because they usually stay indoors and don't have any fleas. I'm suspicious of the scratching post we jacked out of the dumpster, though I think the incubation period would be a little too long. Here's my hierarchy of animals I have wormed from most difficult to least difficult: Wolverines> sheep> horses>cats. A dermal application! That's brilliant. Why don't we have that for horses?

The apartment complex that we live in has decided to up our rent by about a bajillion dollars. Ok, no, I'm exaggerating. Still, a 75$ hike after I went down and told them there was no way we could afford the 90$ hike and might have to move. I do feel like hot stuff for negotiating on the rent, but it's a pretty serious jump.
I am in love with the place though, and I don't want to move.
So if you see a place with two bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, a fireplace, washer and dryer, a ginormous kitchen, 7 huge windows, and a decent patio that accepts cats (which is all the things our apartment has) and is about 725$ a month (cuz that's what we're paying now, pre-hike) and is for rent in early august- let us know. We're wonderful tenants. Terrible roommates, as one of us is always asleep or studying such that we need constant quiet and in addition to that- we've been living on our own for 3 years, so we're accustomed to a certain way of life. But great, quiet, boring, responsible tenants with a penchant for handywork and gardening.

Last thing-
I'm still in love with summer. <3 no stress. Hakuna matata. And sun kissed skin.

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